Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Additional Blog

March Blog

            For the month of march I mainly worked on forming answers for my senior topic as well as trying to finish my independent component 2. I think that this month was kind of tedious when it came to senior project because of preparing for interview 4 and trying to find questions I could ask my mentor because I am kind of started losing ideas about questions regarding my senior topic.
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            When It came to finding answers to my senior topic It was extremely easy getting answers it was just a matter of going back to old sources and previous interviews. I guess a major struggle I got when getting my answers was choosing my answers because my first answer all my answers could be an answer to my EQ.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Title: Fourth Interview Questions

1) How important is it to socialize a dog?

2) How would you explain classical conditioning?

3) How could I use classical conditioning while training a dog?

4) Do you think not training a dog is ok?

5) How would you explain operant conditioning?

6)How should I use it when training a dog?

7)Which is more useful operant or classical conditioning?

8) Should negative reinforcement ever be implemented in training?

9) What methods do most dog trainers use?

10) What is the most difficult task when training a dog?

11) How useful is repetition when training?

12) Should it be used with other types of training methods?

13) Do any of these methods interfere with others while training?

14) Is there a specific number of people who could train a dog?

15) Should I use rewards when training a dog?

16) Could anyone get by not training a dog?

17) How useful is it to take a dog outside?

18) How skillful does a dog trainer need to be to train a dog?

19) How important is behavioral trainer compared to the other methods of training?

20) Is obedience training a method all dog trainers should use?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blog 17 Answer 3

Answer 3

1.  What is your EQ?
How can a dog trainer successfully train a dog that is known for aggression.

2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
One way to successfully train a dog that is known for aggression is through early socialization meaning exposing it to as many things as possible

3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
Another way to successfully train a dog is through reinforcement either positive or negative.

4. What  is your third answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
My third and final answer for my essential question is through classical conditioning.

5.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
  • It creates habits.
  • It sets boundaries for the dog when in public places and around people.
  • It teaches the dog how to act in certain situations.
6.  What printed source best supports your answer?

"Handbook of classical Conditioning" by David Lavond and Joseph Steinmetz has a series of experiments conducted with classical conditioning.

7.  What other source supports your answer?

The Famous Pavlov's dogs experiment is a source to support my answer because it is the first discovered method of classical conditioning.
7.  Tie this together with a concluding thought.

Classical Conditioning is a method of dog training that sets habits and boundaries when training a dog.